We strive to ensure that every child has access to the arts. Ideally, this exposure is in the school environment and is just as important as any topic.

In 2020, Chance to Excel supported the San Mateo-Foster City music program to ensure that students could continue to have this vital program during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our donation allowed the program to purchase 24 flutes and 25 clarinets.
The Ed Fund would not exist if it were not for your generous support and belief in our mission. We have grown these past five years and owe our success to the relationships and partnerships that extend well beyond our imagination to support the children in our community.
San Mateo-Foster City Education Foundation
For the second year, we have completely sponsored LEAD School in San Mateo, California’s Transitional Kindergarten through 5th grades that could not afford an in-school art program.
580 students received art lessons.
22 elementary classrooms welcomed Art as a standard part of their educational experience.

…our students are thrilled to be using these instruments and they are truly growing as musicians. They show enthusiasm for music and there is true potential for them to continue their musical journey…”
Mike Castro, Music Director Bayside Academy
We expanded our support of the arts by providing a grant to the Castro Valley Education Foundation (CVEF) to start a district-wide Theater program. Previously, some schools were unable to provide their students with this enriching experience due to the inability to raise funds to pay for expenses. With the creation of the new district model, this program became available to all students regardless of their financial situation.

Thank you for being one of the first to see the needs in our community and make a positive and impactful difference for so many.”
Sonja Tappan, Executive Director, San Mateo-Foster City Education Foundation

We sponsored the Portland Community College (PCC) Rock Creek Campus Music Program, which has a strong belief that all students, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or economic means have access to a top-flight education. Chance to Excel selected the program with the aim of providing top-flight performance opportunities to students from less privileged backgrounds.
The funds supported costs associated with performances, professional recording, and travel, plus education and clinic opportunities. Without this grant, this opportunity would be out of reach for the program.
Being in the Rock Creek Chamber Choir has absolutely changed my life. When I started college I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after college and I struggled to find a new community to call my home. Joining this choir was revolutionary for me. It reignited my love for music and singing, and the awesome faculty helped me realize that music is something I want to pursue for the rest of my life…”
Jack Wattier, Second-Year, Choral Music Education
As a recently divorced father of two girls, the opportunity to go back to school and sing in a choir such as the one we have at PCC is amazing. Not only are the students warm, welcoming and friendly, but the staff at PCC is top notch. Having the opportunity to go to Bali this year is also an amazing opportunity. What an incredible experience and team building trip this will Be!”
Trevor Winder, First-Year, Choral Music Education
Choir for me is equal parts music and self-expression. Being able to observe PCC’s Chamber Choir while I was still in high school gave me the much needed push to graduate early with the intention of pursuing music as a career. My experience so far has been incredible, a distinguishable contrast between high school music education and something more professional. I’ve been able to learn and grow substantially after only one term, and I greatly look forward to what the rest of the year holds for me.
Alexander Hernandez, First-Year Choral Music Education